ICSE Class 9
Solved Examples For Biology Class 9
The ICSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.
- Chapter 1- Introducing biology
- Chapter 2- Cell: the unit of life
- Chapter 3-Plant and animal tissue
- Chapter 4- The flowers
- Chapter 5- Pollination and fertilization
- Chapter 6- Structure and Germination
- Chapter 7- Respiration in plants
- Chapter 8- Five kingdom classification
- Chapter 9- Economic importance of Bacteria and fungi
- Chapter 10- Nutrition
- Chapter 11- Digestive system
- Chapter 12- Skeleton Movement and Locomotion
- Chapter 13- Skin the jack of all trades
- Chapter 14- The Respiratory system
- Chapter 15- Hygiene
- Chapter 16- Diseases cause and control
- Chapter 17- Aids To health
- Chapter 18- Health organizations
- Chapter 19- Waste generation and management