ICSE Chemistry Class 10
ICSE Class 10 is paramount to a student’s academic career. It is considered to be the groundwork for further studies. It might give nightmares to some students as this is their first attempt at a national-level exam. Passing the Class 10 ICSE exams with good marks opens doors to new opportunities. Since the marks obtained in Class 10 serve as the criteria for admissions by many schools, the examination holds high importance for every student.
The ICSE (Indian Council of Secondary Education) Board exams for class 10 are conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. The syllabus for class 10 is quite vast and detailed. Emphasis is given on the application of the concepts learned rather than rote-learning of the concepts. The topics are such that they prepare a student well for the rigorous studies of Classes 11 and 12 and competitive exams like JEE and NEET.
ICSE Class 10 Latest Update 2022: CISCE has released the ICSE Class 10 Time Table for Semester 1 for the examinations 2022 on the official website.
The ICSE Class 10 subjects are strategically portrayed to help the students in a way to impart knowledge through “learning by enjoying”. The syllabus is divided into 3 groups. Group 1 consists of the compulsory subjects, Group 2 has a choice of picking any two subjects, and group 3 has an option of choosing any one subject from several other subjects. Check them out below
Chapter-1 Periodic Properties and variations of Properties – Physical and Chemical
This chapter explains topics like periodicity, periodic properties, terms like atomic size, metallic character, non-metallic character, Ionisation potential, Electron affinity, Electronegativity, etc, also periodicity related to nuclear changes and shells are discussed here with diagrams if need be.
Chapter-2 Chemical Bonding
This chapter briefly describes the three types of chemical bonds, i.e., electrovalent bonding, covalent bonding, coordinate bonding, etc followed by their definitions, properties, and examples for better understanding, also orbit structure and electron dot structure are clearly explained in detail.
Chapter-3 Study of Acids, Bases, and Salts
This chapter is an exclusive study on the molecule and its structure, characteristic properties, terms like mineral acids, salts, alkalis, acidity, alkalinity, various types of salts, their respective formation, structures, and properties are clearly explained in this chapter.
Chapter-4 Analytical Chemistry
This chapter is very much experimental and involves a lot of chemical reactions because of which a lot of practice and a deep understanding of the concepts are required. The topics like the action of ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide on the solution of salts, color changes, salt solutions, action on alkalis with certain metals, their oxides, and hydroxides, etc, are the few important topics covered in this chapter.
Chapter-5 Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
This chapter involves both theories cum experimental topics like vapor density relation with relative molecular mass, simplification of empirical equations to molecular equations with examples that are well explained in detail. Also, the percentage of composition of molecules and masses of combining elements are discussed here.
Chapter-6 Electrolysis
This chapter talks about the definition and differences between electrolyte and non-electrolyte, substances containing molecules, ions, both molecules, and ions, with examples, terms like cathode, anode, anion, cation, electrolysis, oxidation, reduction, etc. Also, the tendency of metals, applications of electrolysis, and the common experiment of electrolysis is an important topic covered in this chapter.
Chapter-7 Metallurgy
This chapter is another interesting unit where topics like mineral ores, natural metals in nature, extraction of aluminum, alloys, their composition and uses, Hall Heroult’s process are a few topics explained in detail with examples and pictorial representation for better understanding.
Chapter-8 Study of Compounds [Hydrogen Chloride]
This chapter does an exclusive study on the following compound like
- Hydrogen Chloride
Starting with their chemical formulas, their structure, properties, reaction mechanisms, uses and simple practice equations to solve, etc are mentioned and discussed with examples in this chapter.
Chapter-9 Study of Compounds [Ammonia]
This chapter does an exclusive study on the following compound like
- Ammonia
Starting with their chemical formulas, their structure, properties, reaction mechanisms, uses and simple practice equations to solve, etc are mentioned and discussed with examples in this chapter.
Chapter-10 Study of Compounds [Nitric Acid]
This chapter does an exclusive study on the following compound like
- Nitric Acid
Starting with their chemical formulas, their structure, properties, reaction mechanisms, uses and simple practice equations to solve, etc are mentioned and discussed with examples in this chapter.
Chapter-11 Study of Compounds [Sulphuric Acid]
This chapter does an exclusive study on the following compound like
- Sulphuric Acid
Starting with their chemical formulas, their structure, properties, reaction mechanisms, uses and simple practice equations to solve, etc are mentioned and discussed with examples in this chapter.
Chapter-12 Organic Chemistry
Starting with a brief introduction to chemical compounds, their structure, isomerism, Homologous series – characteristics with examples, Simple nomenclature, Hydrocarbons: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, etc are the important topics covered in this chapter provided with relevant examples for better understanding and practice purposes.
Solved Examples
Important Questions
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Solved Examples For Chemistry Class 10
The ICSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.
- Chapter 1- Periodic Table, Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties
- Chapter 2- Chemical Bonding
- Chapter 3- Acids, Bases and Salts
- Chapter 4- Analytical Chemistry
- Chapter 5- Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
- Chapter 6- Electrolysis
- Chapter 7- Metallurgy
- Chapter 8- Study of Compounds – Hydrogen Chloride
- Chapter 9- Study of Compounds – Ammonia
- Chapter 10- Study of Compounds – Nitric Acid
- Chapter 11- Sulphuric Acid
- Chapter 12- Organic Chemistry
Important Questions For Chemistry Class 10
The CBSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.
- Chapter 1- Periodic Table, Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties
- Chapter 2- Chemical Bonding
- Chapter 3- Acids, Bases and Salts
- Chapter 4- Analytical Chemistry
- Chapter 5- Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
- Chapter 6- Electrolysis
- Chapter 7- Metallurgy
- Chapter 8- Study of Compounds – Hydrogen Chloride
- Chapter 9- Study of Compounds – Ammonia
- Chapter 10- Study of Compounds – Nitric Acid
- Chapter 11- Sulphuric Acid
- Chapter 12- Organic Chemistry
ICSE Chemistry Class 10 Videos