ICSE Maths Class 10
ICSE Class 10 is paramount to a student’s academic career. It is considered to be the groundwork for further studies. It might give nightmares to some students as this is their first attempt at a national-level exam. Passing the Class 10 ICSE exams with good marks opens doors to new opportunities. Since the marks obtained in Class 10 serve as the criteria for admissions by many schools, the examination holds high importance for every student.
The ICSE (Indian Council of Secondary Education) Board exams for class 10 are conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. The syllabus for class 10 is quite vast and detailed. Emphasis is given on the application of the concepts learned rather than rote-learning of the concepts. The topics are such that they prepare a student well for the rigorous studies of Classes 11 and 12 and competitive exams like JEE and NEET.
ICSE Class 10 Latest Update 2022: CISCE has released the ICSE Class 10 Time Table for Semester 1 for the examinations 2022 on the official website.
The ICSE Class 10 subjects are strategically portrayed to help the students in a way to impart knowledge through “learning by enjoying”. The syllabus is divided into 3 groups. Group 1 consists of the compulsory subjects, Group 2 has a choice of picking any two subjects, and group 3 has an option of choosing any one subject from several other subjects. Check them out below
Chapter-1 GST [Goods and Service Tax]
This chapter is all about tax computations, Input tax credit, basic GST calculations, the definitions of goods and services, their properties and importance, various types of taxes, and their importance followed by the set of problems and exercises for better understanding.
Chapter-2 Banking
All the various bank terminologies like maturity value, recurring deposit account, provident fund, cheque bouncing, etc are explained here along with a few problems on simple and basic concepts. Also, the concept of interest and how it is paid are discussed here with solved examples.
Chapter-3 Shares and Dividend in two variables
This chapter covers topics like a premium, discount, calculating profit with the investment, purchasing of products, and calculating according to the given discounts based problems are explained here in detail with solved examples for reference purposes.
Chapter-4 Linear Inequations
This chapter covers topics, like solving linear equations and inequalities and representing them algebraically and plotting the solution on a number line, which are the important concepts discussed here in this chapter.
Chapter-5 Quadratic Equations
Starting with the definition of a quadratic equation, identifying and solving them are explained here in detail. Also, the various methods of solving quadratic equations like factorization, examining the nature of the roots, also using the formula-based technique, etc are discussed with example problems and exercises provided after each topic for practice purposes.
Chapter-6 Solving Problems [Based on quadratic equations]
This chapter covers topics like time, work, geometrical figures, distance, speed, and simple miscellaneous problems, also basic solving of quadratic equations is discussed here with exercises for better understanding.
Chapter-7 Ratio and Proportion
This chapter is one of the important and easiest chapters in the syllabus that helps in securing better marks from an examination point of view. The topics like the composition of ratios, proportions, their definitions, properties, direct applications are a few major concepts covered in this chapter and are explained in detail with exercises and solved examples for reference purposes.
Chapter-8 Remainder and Factor Theorems
This chapter is more a theory-based unit where concepts are theorems and their explanations are based on which examples and simple problems are based. The factor theorem remainder theorem, factorization of a given polynomial by using these theorems, etc are the topics covered in this chapter and discussed in detail with simple and easy problems for better understanding.
Chapter-9 Matrices
This chapter is another simple but very important exam point of view, as at least a LAQ can be expected from this chapter. The topics like definition of the matrix, terms like order, elements, types, transpose, equality and operations and solving for missing variables between two matrices, etc are the topics covered in this chapter. There are many solved examples for reference purposes and exercises provided after each topic makes the students understand the concept better.
Chapter-10 Arithmetic Progressions
This chapter covers topics like arithmetic progression, its definition, formula followed with other terms like the nth term, the sum of n terms, manipulating three or more terms in A.P, etc are the topics covered in this chapter.
Chapter-11 Geometric Progressions
This chapter is almost similar and continuation of the previous chapter. Here the topics like geometric progression, its definition, properties, terms like the sum of n terms with respect to geometric mean between 2 numbers, using formula and without formula are discussed with exercises and solved examples for better understanding.
Chapter-12 Reflection
This chapter is very simple and easy to understand and remember, where topics like coordinates, coordinate axes, plotting points on axes and representing on graphs, invariable points, etc are discussed here in detail with solved examples and exercises for better understanding and practice purposes.
Chapter-13 Section and Midpoint formula
This chapter discusses concepts like trisection, midpoint formula, and related problems for practice, calculating the centroid of a triangle, etc are a few important topics covered in this chapter.
Chapter-14 Equation of a line
The topics covered in this chapter are the equation of the line, inclination, the slope of a straight line, slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, condition for collinearity of three points, representing X and Y intercepts on graphs and also discusses equally inclined lines followed with problems for better practice and understanding purposes.
Chapter-15 Similarity
The topics like similarity of two triangles, their area between them, basic proportionality theorem with applications, size transformation with its applications to maps, models, etc are a few topics covered in this chapter provided with examples and exercises for better understanding and practice.
Chapter-16 Loci
This chapter covers topics like symmetry theorems with its detailed explanation and applications, locus and its construction and its related problems are explained in a very interactive and interesting way as this chapter can be a little difficult to understand.
Chapter-17 Circles
The topics like circles and their various components like segment, arc, chord, and their relations. Also, cyclic properties are discussed here along with problems and exercises for better understanding and practice.
Chapter-18 Tangents and Intersecting Chords
This chapter covers topics like intersecting chords, tangents, and their related problems, and exercises are clearly explained in detail in this chapter.
Chapter-19 Constructions
Construction of tangents to a given circle, construction of circumscribed and inscribed circles of a triangle, circumscribing and inscribing a circle on a regular hexagon. So, this chapter exclusively talks about various figured constructions and explains them in a step-by-step procedure.
Chapter-20 Cylinders, Cone, and Sphere
The topics like surface area, the volume of a cylinder, cone, sphere, and various combinations of solids and calculating their areas are discussed in detail here in this chapter followed by a set of solved examples and exercises for better understanding and practice pu
Chapter-21 Trigonometrical Identities
The topics like trigonometric ratios along with complementary angles using trigonometric tables, proving trigonometric identities, etc are the few important and expected concepts from an examination point of view. Also, there are many problems and examples provided after every topic which can be helpful for practice purposes.
Chapter-22 Heights and Distances
This chapter major talks only about the definitions, properties, and problems related to heights and distances, satisfying the name of the chapter itself.
Chapter-23 Graphical Representation
This chapter explains topics based on representational data that is both continuous and discontinuous represented in the form of histograms, frequency, polygons, etc. This chapter majorly consists of only this one main topic that is explained in detail with example problems and exercises for practice and understanding purposes.
Chapter-24 Measures of Central Tendency
This chapter discusses the concepts like mean, median, quartiles, mode with their definitions, calculation processes, properties, etc are explained in detail with exercises and solved example problems for better understanding and practice purposes.
Chapter-25 Probability
This chapter is another important and little tricky chapter that requires a lot of attention and regular practice. Concepts like tossing a coin, throwing a dice, picking a card from a pack of cards are the various types of problems explained in detail with an ample set of solved examples and exercises provided after each topic for better understanding purposes.
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Solved Examples For Maths Class 10
The ICSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.
- Chapter 1- Goods and Service Tax (GST)
- Chapter 2 – Banking
- Chapter 3 – Linear Equations
- Chapter 4 – Quadratic Equations in One Variable
- Chapter 5 – Ratio and Proportion
- Chapter 6 – Factorization
- Chapter 7 -Matrices
- Chapter 8 – Arithmetic Progression
- Chapter 9 – Co-ordinate Geometry
- Chapter 10 – Similarity
- Chapter 11 – Circles
- Chapter 12 – Angle Properties
- Chapter 13 – Cyclic Properties
- Chapter 14 – Tangent and Secant Properties
- Chapter 15 – Constructions
- Chapter 16 -Area and volume of solids – Cylinder, Cone and Sphere.
- Chapter 17 – Trigonometry
- Chapter 18 -Statistics
- Chapter 19 – Probability