CBSE Science Class-7

CBSE Science Class 7


CBSE Class 7 is packed with knowledge and information that influences the rest of the high school career of a student. It comprises several important topics that teach students to be independent in their academics as well as lays the foundation for language, art, science and maths. Grade 7 builds a bridge between elementary education and the higher/secondary education of a student.

Children are exposed to new and relatively practical concepts which are applied to real life. It also helps build the fundamentals that will help students in their academic future.

Therefore, the study material is a key element towards helping them crack examinations and simplify the curriculum which is easy to understand.

Syllabus For Science Class 7

The CBSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.

CHAPTER-1  Nutrition In Plants

In this chapter, the basic introduction and various modes of nutrition in plants are explained in detail. The meaning of photosynthesis, the process, and the purpose of adapting photosynthesis are discussed here. The sub-chapters are:

  •  Mode of Nutrition In Plants

The terms like autotrophic, heterotrophs and their difference are explained here. Also, how plants get nutrition and have healthy growth is discussed.

  •  Photosynthesis — Food Making Process in Plants

The basic photosynthesis definition and the process of preparing its importance, requirements are also discussed here with a clear pictorial representation.

  • Other Modes of Nutrition in Plants

The heterotrophic mode definition and terms like host, parasite, insectivorous plants are explained followed with examples for better understanding.

  • Saprotrophs

The terms like saprotrophic nutrition, symbiosis, lichens, fungi, their causes of occurrence explained with examples and pictorial representation is well explained here.

  • How Nutrients are Replenished in The Soil.

The importance of fertilizers, manure, and how nitrogen gas plays a role in plants, also the meaning of leguminous plants are a few topics covered in this subchapter.

At the end a project is given to students, to make sure how much they learned and understood.

CHAPTER-2  Nutrition In Animals

In this chapter, the various modes of feeding, and the variety of foods animals feed on are discussed. Also, the digestion process in humans is explained, elaborating on each part that is involved in the process of digestion, with a pictorial representation for a better idea. The sub-chapters are:

  • Different Ways of Taking Food

Here the various modes of food eating styles are explained in brief.

  • Digestion in Humans

A brief introduction to the digestive system is explained in detail starting with the buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, … etc. Definition of the alimentary canal, the importance of liver and pancreas and their role in the human digestive system, followed with diagram and activities for good learning. This subchapter begins with an experiment where saliva and starch and sweets and tooth decay causes and their effects, the occurrence is explained clearly.

  • Digestion in Grass-Eating Animals

The digestion in herbivorous animals like cows or buffalo is explained, called rumination, followed by diagrams that are discussed in detail.

  • Feeding and Digestion In Amoeba.

Various feeding and digestion process in creatures like amoeba is discussed with the help of diagrams. Unique features like pseudopodia, its meaning, and the role that is played in the life routine of an amoeba.

CHAPTER-3  Fibre To Fabric

This chapter talks about the fabrics that are extracted and made from animals. The types and the process of extraction are explained in brief, by sharing a few fun and did you know facts, thereby making the learning process more interesting. The sub-chapters are:

  • Wool

Topics like animals that yield wool, from fibers to wool, processing fibers to wool, also terms like shearing, sourcing, sorting is well-explained, followed by activities for a practical approach.

  • Silk.

The life history of the silk moth, explaining each stage in the process of preparing silk, and the process of how silk is extracted and made into a fine fabric used to produce clothes are also explained in detail step by step here. with pictorial representation for a clear understanding.

As there are few live activities, the concepts will be well understood and memorized by students.


In this chapter, the difference between hot and cold bodies is discussed by stating a few examples and conducting activities. Thermometer and its importance and how it is used to measure the temperature, types of thermometers, the meaning of conductors, and insulators of heat with examples. The sub-chapters are:

  • Hot and Cold

This subchapter is full of activities and experiments that explain the variations in temperatures and the importance of the thermometer is discussed here.

  • Measuring Temperature
  • Laboratory Thermometer

These subchapters involve experiments explaining how to read a thermometer and its importance. Minimum and maximum readings are also discussed here.

  • Transfer of Heat

This subchapter explains the basic nature, properties, experiments are conducted discussing the various behaviors heat can contain.

  • Kinds of Clothes We Wear in Summer and Winter.

What and why different clothes need to be worn in summer and winter, is discussed in this subchapter.

This chapter is one of the experimental and practical topics in the syllabus, students will have great fun and excitement while studying and performing activities.

CHAPTER-5  Acids, Bases, And Salts

In this chapter, the sub-chapters are:

  • Acids and Bases

A brief introduction to topics like the meaning of acids, bases and their differences, use of natural and artificial indicators in conducting experiments.

  • Natural Indicators Around Us

With the sudden change of red to blue litmus and vice-versa, the list of natural indicators is explained along with a set of activities for memorizing the concepts thoroughly.

  • Neutralization

Definition of neutralization, examples of neutralization in everyday life is explained with suitable activities.

  • Neutralisations in Everyday Life.

Indigestion ant bite, soil treatment, factory wastes, etc are a few examples used to explain neutralization in our daily life.

Apart from this, in the end, exercises are given like True or False kind of for practice purposes.

CHAPTER-6  Physical And Chemical Changes

This chapter, talks about the different types of changes, the meaning of physical and chemical changes and their differences, crystallization, rusting of iron explaining tips and tricks to identify a change, by conducting a set of activities and performing live examples for better understanding and projects are given to students to make the topic more practical and class more lively. The sub-chapters are:

  • Physical Changes

A brief introduction to physical changes, their properties, and changes are well explained with examples and activities.

  • Chemical Change

A brief introduction to chemical changes, their properties, and changes are well explained with examples and activities.

  • Rusting of Iron

Topics like galvanization and how exactly the rusting of iron is explained with chemical equations.

  • Crystallization.

Starting with the meaning of crystallization, the process of achieving it,  its properties, and features are explained here.

CHAPTER-7  Weather Climate And Adaptation Of Animals To Climate 

In this chapter, the basic introduction is given explaining the definition of weather, climate, and different instruments used to measure the rainfall. The sub-chapters are:

  • Weather

Humidity, elements of the weather, rainfall, importance of ra
infall, and steps manually to take to increase the rainfall cms are some topics to name that is mentioned in this subchapter here.

  • Climate

Statistics of various regions are explained here.

  • Climate and Adaptation.

Polar regions, tropical rainforests, etc, are the topics explained with examples in detail.

Also, the topics in this chapter are discussed with relevant statistics and surveys for a clear idea of the subject. It also talks about various climatic conditions where animals are adapted to taking a few examples to remember well. As this unit is one of the theoretical topics, understanding the subject gains a good score in examinations.

CHAPTER-8  Winds, Storms, And Cyclones

Most students find this chapter interesting, as most of the topics covered in this chapter are quite familiar to them and this unit contains more experiments than any other unit. Starting with a basic introduction, terms like pressure, high speed with respect to air, are discussed followed by a few activities, and Q&As. The sub-chapters are:

  • Air Exerts Pressure

Here the properties and features are explained with the help of an activity.

  • High-Speed Winds Are Accompanied by Reduced Air Pressure

The properties of wind, pressure are explained by performing the activity.

  • Air Expands on Heating

Air with respect to heat properties, nature are well explained by conducting activities.

  • Wind Currents Are Generated Due to Uneven Heating on The Earth

Uneven heating between the equator and the poles, Uneven heating of land and water are a few topics that are covered in this subchapter.

  • Thunderstorms and Cyclones

The terms like a thunderstorm, causes of thunderstorms, manual precautions to be taken to prevent cyclones, their structure, and causes of occurrence are covered in this subchapter.

  • Destruction Caused by Cyclones

The various climatic, environmental, and physical, and mental effects caused by cyclones are explained here.

  • Effective Safety Measures

The list of measures, precautions, is well explained here.

  • Advanced Technology Has Helped

Cyclone alert, cyclone watch, cyclone warnings are a few steps used in advanced technology.

Also, air properties under heat, monsoon winds, thunderstorms, cyclones, and causes of it are well explained with a few examples. Various precautions, and how advanced technology is used to alert us with these sudden attacks are also discussed here. This unit is one of the vast units in the syllabus, but the topics are quite small and are easily understandable.


This chapter exclusively discusses the definition of soil, its purpose, and its importance in day-to-day life. The terms like hummus, weathering, horizons, etc are explained in this unit. The sub-chapters are:

  • Soil Teeming with Life

Garden soil, soil from the roadside, etc, polythene bags, plastics bags, and their disadvantages are explained here.

  • Soil Profile

The basic nature, features, and behavior are explained in detail by conducting activities.

  • Soil Types

The various types of soil, their properties and where they are used more, suitable regions, and growth and maintenance are a few topics explained here.

  • Properties of Soil

The exclusive in and out nature and properties of soil with suitable examples and activities are explained here.

  • Moisture in Soil

The average to above-average moisture levels are measured and steps to reach that level are well explained here.

  • Absorption of Water by Soil

The huge importance of water in a plant’s growth and how water and soil go hand in hand are explained here.

  • Soil and Crops.

The various soils and their suitable crops adjusted for that soil nature and how to care for and maintain them are explained here.

Also, different types of soil like clay soil, sandy soil, etc are studied with a few examples and activities. The nature of soil with advantages and disadvantages are explained well. At the end of the chapter, case studies are given to students to make sure the unit is properly understood.

CHAPTER-10  Respiration In Organisms

This unit is solely based on respiration, its definition, properties, and importance. Starting with a basic introduction, the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the definition of inhalation and exhalation with examples, and normal breathing rate are discussed in this chapter. The sub-chapters are:

  • Why Do We Respire?

A brief introduction on respiration, its uses, the average rate of respiration in healthy human beings are explained here with pictorial representation like diagrams, etc, for a better understanding.

  • Breathing

Beginning with breathing definition, the major difference between respiration and breathing is explained here in detail.

  • How Do We Breathe?
  • What Do We Breathe Out?

The complete process of breathing in and breath out is discussed in detail explaining the various body parts with neat diagrams for good memorization purposes.

  • Breathing in Other Animals

Various methods of breathing for animals are explained in this subject.

  • Breathing Under Water

Various methods of breathing underwater for both animals and humans are explained in brief in this topic.

  • Do Plants Also Respire?

Is there life in plants, if yes how the entire mechanism takes place is explained in detail here.

Also, a proper and healthy breathing rate during various activities, and how to attain that rate are explained. The basic respiration process discussion is the important topic of all in this unit. Every organ involved in the respiration process is explained in brief with pictorial representation. As this chapter is a practical unit, there are as many activities as possible for a better understanding.

CHAPTER-11  Transportation In Animals And Plants

In this chapter, a piece of brief information is given on the blood circulation in the body, explaining a few medical terms like hemoglobin, platelets, pulse rate, pulse, white blood cells, etc, with pictorial representation. The sub-chapters are:

  • Circulatory System

The brief introduction to the circulatory system, how blood flows, the role of the heart, vessels, arteries, veins are well discussed in this subchapter with a clear pictorial representation for better understanding.

  • Excretion in Animals

Excretion is another important body functionality in animals. The structure, various body parts involved in this process are explained in detail.

  • Transport of Substances in Plants

How do plants transfer or transport substances from one plant to another, have you ever noticed? Well, that is answered in this topic here.

Blood vessels, heart pumping blood, and heartbeat and its importance are a few other important topics in this chapter. Excretory systems for humans, transport of water, and minerals in plants are very significant topics in this chapter.

CHAPTER-12  Reproduction In Plants

In this chapter, beginning with the definition of reproduction, various modes of reproduction in plants, animals, and humans are discussed here. The sub-chapters are:

  • Modes of Reproduction

The various modes of reproduction with examples are explained here.

  • Sexual Reproduction

A brief introduction to sexual reproduction is explained here.

  • Fruits and Seed Formation
  • Seed Dispersal.

With a clear explanation of reproduction, here in this subchapter, an example is provided for a better understanding of the concepts.

Also, topics like fertilization, pollination are covered in this unit, and being a diagrammatic chapter in the syllabus, a lot of practice and a clear understanding of the concepts will be a plus in the examination point of view.

CHAPTER-13  Motion And Time

This chapter is one of the tough and important units in the syllabus. Beginning with a brief introduction, topics like speed and types of speed with examples are well explained. The sub-chapters are:

  • Slow or Fast

Starting with definitions of slow and fast, their importance, nature, and differences are explained here.

  • Speed

This being an important topic, a detailed level required is provided here where features, properties, behavior are to name a few.

  • Measurement of Time

The definition, units of measuring time, various formulas, etc are discussed here with respect to time.

  • Measuring Speed

The definition, units of measuring speed, various formulas, etc are discussed here with respect to speed.

  • Distance-Time Graph.

The relationship between time and distance, their respective formulas are explained here.

Apart from the above subunits, topics like oscillation, pendulum experiment, speedometer, etc, are well explained.

CHAPTER-14  Electric Current And Its Effects

In this chapter, electric current and the various components are discussed in brief by conducting activities and with pictorial representation for better understanding. The sub-chapters are:

  • Symbols of Electric Components

A short introduction of electric current followed with the symbols of its components is explained here.

  • Heating Effect of Electric Current

Heating effect definition, its causes, properties, and behavior when combined with electric current.

  • Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

Magnetic effect definition, its causes, properties, and behavior when combined with electric current.

  • Electromagnet

What exactly is an electromagnet, its properties, usage, applications, and other details are explained here.

  • Electric Bell.

What exactly is an electric bell, its properties, usage, applications, and other details are explained here.

Also, this unit being one of the practical and experimental chapters, students are fond of this unit. Electromagnet and various magnetic forces are also explained here with examples. unit.

CHAPTER-15  Light

Light is a very important and weightage subject from an examination point of view. The concepts are quite easy if understood thoroughly and correctly. The sub-chapters are:

  • Light Travels Along A Straight Line

Light definition, nature, and how a light-weighted light can travel so fast and in a straight line is always explained here.

  • Reflection of Light

How reflection of light takes place, its causes, and its after-effects are explained here.

  • Right or Left!

The directional boundaries of light and a few deeper topics are discussed here.

  • Playing with Spherical Mirrors

Definition of spherical mirrors, features, and their properties are explained here along with a few activities and problems.

  • Images Formed by Lenses

How images are formed, what are its requirements, and the causes for their occurrence are explained here.

  • Sunlight — White Or Coloured?

The famous prism activity is explained here with examples and detailed activities conducted for better understanding.

Starting with a brief introduction, the importance, properties, and various functionalities of light are well explained followed by a set of experiments and a bunch of projects for the subject to be more interesting and lively.

CHAPTER-16  Water: A Precious Resource

In this chapter, the significance of water and where it is extracted, various filtration of water methods are discussed. The sub-chapters are:

  • How Much Water Is Available
  • Forms of Water

The importance of water, various forms, and sources of water are explained here with pictorial representation.

  • Groundwater as An Important Source of Water

The groundwater definition, its usage in day-to-day life is discussed here.

  • Depletion of Water Table

The scarcity of water and its causes are explained here.

  • Distribution of Water

The large mechanism behind how water is reached to every household is discussed here.

  • Water Management

The water management and its cycle are explained here with pictorial representation for better understanding.

  • What Role You Can Play

The steps to be taken to preserve and prevent are discussed here

  • Effect of Water Scarcity on Plants.

The major effect on plants due to lack of water is explained here.

As discussed in previous years, this year the water chapter has a deeper and set of new concepts covered like water management, steps to be taken to reduce water scarcity, precautions to think to avoid water pollution, etc. This chapter is a theory-based unit, daily studying helps in memorizing the topics.

CHAPTER-17  Forest: Our Lifeline

In this chapter, the importance of forest and its importance are well-explained in detail. The sub-chapters are:

  • Visit a Forest

Forests, their importance, history of forest formation, etc are explained in brief.

Also, this contains many activities used to provide a clear idea of the concepts in the syllabus.

CHAPTER-18  Waste Water Story

In this chapter, how vital play water has in life and measures to be taken to avoid water wastage and contamination are explained in detail with pictorial representation. This is one of the vast and theoretical subjects in the syllabus. The sub-chapters are:

  • Water, Our Lifeline

Water and its importance in our daily routine and how life can’t move ahead are explained here.

  • What Is Sewage?

Sewage and its usage in everyday life are explained here.

  • Water Freshens Up – An Eventful Journey

Water and its importance are explained here.

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant

The recycling of wastewater and the process of filtration are explained here.

  • Better House Keeping Practices

Modern and good housekeeping practices are explained here.

  • Sanitation and Disease

Sanitation, health, and steps to prevent diseases are discussed here.

  • Alternative Arrangement for Sewage Disposal

Sewage disposal and its maintenance and how significant it is being discussed here.

  • Sanitation at Public Places.

Sanitation at public places has become a daily chore for us in recent circumstances, as explained here.

Also, topics like sanitation, disease prevention, etc, are discussed here, as knowing them plays an important role in our daily life.

NCERT Solutions For Science Class 7

The CBSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.

NCERT Class 7 Book Pdfs

NCERT Solutions

Chapter 1- Nutrition in Plants



Chapter 2- Nutrition in Animals



Chapter 3- Fibre to Fabric



Chapter 4- Heat



Chapter 5-Acid, Bases and Salt



Chapter 6- Physical and Chemical Changes



Chapter 7- Weather Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate



Chapter 8- Winds, Storms and Cyclones



Chapter 9- Soil



Chapter 10- Respiration in Organisms



Chapter 11- Transportation in Animals and Plants



Chapter 12- Reproduction in Plants



Chapter 13- Motion and Time



Chapter 14- Electric Current and its Effects



Chapter 15- Light



Chapter 16- Water: A Precious Resource



Chapter 17- Forests: Our Lifeline



Chapter 18- Wastewater Story



Important Questions For Science Class 7

The CBSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.

Solved Examples For Science Class 7

Notes For Science Class 7

CBSE Class 7 Science Videos

Learn about Plant & Animal Fibres from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 2 minutes.

Get a “Deeper understanding of Digestive Canal” from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 2 minutes.

Learn about the “Precautionary Measures which must be taken in case of a Cyclone” from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 2 minutes.

Get a deeper Understanding of the term “Weather” from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 1 minute.

Learn about the various ways to “Control Generation of Sewage”  from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 1 minute.

Get a Deeper Understanding of Rearing and Sericulture from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 1 minute.

Learn about the various “Physical & Chemical changes” from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 2 minutes.

Learn about the “Nutrition in Animals” from our SpeedLabs mentor “Shravan Lodhi” in just 3 minutes.

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