CBSE Maths Class 6
Mathematics is one of the scary yet very important subjects for securing higher scores in examinations. For gaining more marks, having a thorough review on the topics present is necessary, due to which students get to know what they are going into and they can start preparing for the exams.
Below are the chapters of mathematics, let’s begin the discussions.
CHAPTER-1 Knowing Our Numbers:
This being the first chapter, all the basic concepts of numbers starting with an introduction, smallest to largest numbers, shifting digits place, Indian and international number systems, rounding off method, complex numbers, etc. As this is the foundation of the next upcoming chapters, this unit is very important to understand thoroughly. Each activity is followed by a sufficient set of assignments for better practice.
CHAPTER-2 Whole Numbers:
In this chapter, the in and out detailed information on whole numbers, their various set of properties, predecessor, successor, with relative examples and activities. Concluding with the patterns of whole numbers, where each small topic is followed with an ample number of exercises, for better practice and clear understanding purposes.
CHAPTER-3 Playing With Numbers:
This chapter is one of the very important units in the syllabus, as it covers many basic useful concepts which are used ahead for calculation purposes. The meaning of the prime number, composite numbers are well explained with the help of suitable examples. Introduction of factors, multiples, LCM, HCF, etc are very crucial topics for students from an examination point of view. As there are enough assignments provided at the end of each topic, a good practice of them gains maximum score in this chapter.
CHAPTER-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas:
This chapter is a very interesting section as most of the students enjoy drawing. This unit gives students the basic idea of geometry with an introduction and the purpose of studying it in the first place. Then the introduction of lines, various four-sided shapes, like square, rectangle, etc, triangle, are given with pictorial representation followed by small exercises. The meaning of rays, line segments, and their differences are well explained.
CHAPTER-5 Understanding Elementary Shapes:
This chapter is the continuation of the previous chapter. In this unit, students get a more clear picture of various shapes in detail. Introduction to quadrilaterals, 3-dimensional shapes are explained. Measuring lines, different angles, and their measuring is made understood with simple exercises for practice. Here different angles include definitions of acute, obtuse, right-angled, also perpendicular lines along with their assignments are provided for better understanding.
CHAPTER-6 Integers:
This is one of the very crucial and weightage topics in the syllabus. Starting with the introduction of integers, the definition of the number line, addition, and subtraction of integers from the number line, significance of sign are covered. As for beginners, it’s a little confusing, there are many solved examples and exercises for a better understanding and practice, present at the end of each topic.
CHAPTER-7 Fractions:
This chapter is the continuation of the previous chapter INTEGERS. Beginning with what is a fraction definition, all the problems are related to the fractions present on the number line. Various types of fractions like, proper, improper, mixed, equivalent fractions, etc, are neatly explained with suitable examples and thorough descriptions. Simple tricks to solve basic fractions, comparing fractions, like and unlike fractions with their comparisons followed with exercises.
CHAPTER-8 Decimals:
This is another important chapter of very easy yet twisty problems on decimals. Fractions using decimals, places in decimals like tenths, hundreds, etc, addition and subtraction of numbers followed with some exercises and real-life examples for a strong grip on the subject and regular practice of the assignments provided makes this a scoring chapter from in examination point of view.
CHAPTER-9 Data Handling:
This chapter is very interesting and a different topic when compared to the previous chapters. Here it explains different methods of handling graph-related data through various techniques like recording, pictography, organizing, etc, and many more. This is quite a fun topic to study and an easily understandable chapter in the syllabus. As there are solved and unsolved problems provided after each topic, students tend to understand the concepts very fast.
CHAPTER-10 Mensuration:
In this chapter, topics like perimeter, and how to find the perimeter of various shapes like rectangle, square, etc. The mensuration chapter is all about areas, perimeters, and columns. This unit helps students in understanding and building the ability to solve the problems related to measurements of a particular closed object. There are many assignments after each topic and a pictorial representation of the description provided.
CHAPTER-11 Algebra:
Algebra is a vast subject and a very important chapter in mathematics. But here, this chapter is the introduction of Algebra, so that students get to know the basics of it. The introduction to variables, rules of arithmetic, expression with variables, using expressions practically, equation definition and how to solve an equation, etc, are the topics discussed under this chapter with suitable examples.
CHAPTER-12 Ratio and Proportion:
This chapter will focus on the basics of ratio and proportion ideas and their applications. Students will learn about the relationships between them after they learn individually with their detailed information. The chapter will conclude with instances of ratio and proportion concepts as well as a discussion of the unitary approach followed with assignments for practice purposes.
CHAPTER-13 Symmetry:
This chapter will begin with a general introduction, followed by Ink Blot Devils. The later formation of figures with two or many lines of symmetry, reflection, and symmetry. This chapter helps students with the ideas of Symmetry so that they can be familiar with the future syllabus connected to the symmetry concept. For a better understanding, each topic has provided exercises at the end.
CHAPTER-14 Practical Geometry:
This chapter’s basic idea is to teach the principles of drawing different geometrical forms. This chapter will go through many geometrical tools and their applications. Ruler (scale), Compasses, Set-Square, and a Protractor are some of the mathematical instruments used to form shapes. In this chapter, students will learn how to construct an angle, a bisector, a line segment by a step-by-step approach. As it is an interesting topic, this chapter is one of the scoring units in the syllabus.
NCERT Solutions For Math Class 6
The CBSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.
NCERT Class 6 Book Pdfs
NCERT Solutions
CHAPTER-1 Knowing Our Numbers
CHAPTER-2 Whole Numbers
CHAPTER-3 Playing With Numbers
CHAPTER-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas
CHAPTER-5 Understanding Elementary Shapes
CHAPTER-6 Integers
CHAPTER-7 Fractions
CHAPTER-8 Decimals
CHAPTER-9 Data Handling
CHAPTER-10 Mensuration
CHAPTER-11 Algebra
CHAPTER-12 Ratio and Proportion
CHAPTER-13 Symmetry
CHAPTER-14 Practical Geometry
Important Questions For Maths Class 6
The CBSE course structure is designed in a manner to ensure that students do not go through a lot of pressure, moreover, books are made interactive and interesting for students to enjoy their studies. A lot of fun activities are included in between the chapters to help students learn in a playful way. It makes the process of conveying knowledge to the students efficient and healthy.
- CHAPTER-1 Knowing Our Numbers
- CHAPTER-2 Whole Numbers
- CHAPTER-3 Playing With Numbers
- CHAPTER-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas
- CHAPTER-5 Understanding Elementary Shapes
- CHAPTER-6 Integers
- CHAPTER-7 Fractions
- CHAPTER-8 Decimals
- CHAPTER-9 Data Handling
- CHAPTER-10 Mensuration
- CHAPTER-11 Algebra
- CHAPTER-12 Ratio and Proportion
- CHAPTER-13 Symmetry
- CHAPTER-14 Practical Geometry
Solved Examples For Maths Class 6
- CHAPTER-1 Knowing Our Numbers
- CHAPTER-2 Whole Numbers
- CHAPTER-3 Playing With Numbers
- CHAPTER-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas
- CHAPTER-5 Understanding Elementary Shapes
- CHAPTER-6 Integers
- CHAPTER-7 Fractions
- CHAPTER-8 Decimals
- CHAPTER-9 Data Handling
- CHAPTER-10 Mensuration
- CHAPTER-11 Algebra
- CHAPTER-12 Ratio and Proportion
- CHAPTER-13 Symmetry
- CHAPTER-14 Practical Geometry
Chapter Notes For Maths Class 6
- CHAPTER-1 Knowing Our Numbers
- CHAPTER-2 Whole Numbers
- CHAPTER-3 Playing With Numbers
- CHAPTER-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas</li >
- CHAPTER-5 Understanding Elementary Shapes
- CHAPTER-6 Integers
- CHAPTER-7 Fractions
- CHAPTER-8 Decimals
- CHAPTER-9 Data Handling
- CHAPTER-10 Mensuration
- CHAPTER-11 Algebra
- CHAPTER-12 Ratio and Proportion
- CHAPTER-13 Symmetry
- CHAPTER-14 Practical Geometry
CBSE Class 6 Videos