ICSE Class 10
To acquire knowledge and understanding of the terms, facts, concepts, definitions, laws, principles and processes of Physics
To develop skills in practical aspects of handling apparatus, recording observations and in drawing diagrams, graphs, etc.
To develop instrumental, communication, deductive and problem-solving skills.
To discover that there is a living and growing physics relevant to the modern age in which we live
Exam Structure
Assessment | Internal | Written Paper |
Weightage | 20 marks | 80 marks |
Details | Assessment of practical work | Time limit: 2 hours 2 Sections Section I : 40 marks (all questions compulsory) Section II : 40 marks (attempt any 4 out of 6 questions) |
- 1. Force, Work, Power and Energy
Topics:- Turning effect of force: Examples, clockwise and anti – clockwise moments
- Conditions for a body to be in equilibrium (translational and rotational), simple numerical problems
- Centre of gravity (qualitative only) with some examples
- Uniform circular motion: properties of motion, Differences between centrifugal and centripetal force
- Work done, Formula: W = FScosθ, special cases, definition of energy, units of energy
- Power: Formula: P=W/t, units of power, simple numerical problems
- Mechanical energy: potential energy U = mgh (derivation included)examples
- Mechanical energy: kinetic energy K= ½ mv2 (derivation included); forms of kinetic energy: translational, rotational and vibrational – simple examples
- Simple numerical problems on mechanical energy in translational motion
- Qualitative discussions of electrical, chemical, heat, nuclear, light and sound energy, conversion from one form to another; common examples.
- Functions and uses of simple machines: effort E, load L, mechanical advantage MA, velocity ratio VR, input (Wi), output (Wo), efficiency (η),
- Relation between η and MA, VR (derivation included); for all practical machines η <1; MA < VR
- Lever: principle. First, second and third class of levers; examples: MA and VR in each case
- Pulley system: single fixed, single movable, block and tackle; MA, VR and η in each case.
- Principle of conservation of energy: U + K = constant for a freely falling body, simple pendulum, simple numerical problems
- 2. Light
Topics:- Refraction of light through a glass block and a triangular prism, refractive index µ = c/V
- Qualitative treatment of simple applications such as real and apparent depth of objects in water
- Simple numerical problems and approximate ray diagrams required
- Applications of refraction of light
- Total internal reflection: Critical angle, examples in triangular glass prisms;
- Applications of total internal reflection, µ = 1/sinC
- Lenses (converging and diverging) including characteristics of the images formed (using ray diagrams only), power of a lens
- Sign convention and direct numerical problems using the lens formula
- Magnification, Characteristics of images
- Visible spectrum from white light; electromagnetic spectrum. scattering of light
- 3. Sound
Topics:- Reflection of Sound Waves; echoes: their use; simple numerical problems on echoes.
- Meaning and simple applications of natural, damped, forced vibrations and resonance
- Loudness, pitch and quality of sound
- 4. Electricity and Magnetism
Topics:- Ohm’s Law; concepts of emf, potential difference, resistance; resistances in series and parallel, internal resistance
- V=IR, graph of V vs I and resistance from slope, ohmic and non-ohmic resistors,
- Electrical power and energy, P = (W/t) = VI = I2 R = V2 /R. Units: SI and commercial
- Household circuits – main circuit; switches; fuses; earthing; safety precautions; three-pin plugs; colour coding of wires.
- Magnetic effect of a current (principles only, laws not required); electromagnetic induction (elementary); transformer
- Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, the DC electric motor- simple sketch of main parts
- Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, AC Generator – Simple sketch of main parts
- 5. Heat
Topics:- Calorimetry: meaning, specific heat capacity; principle of method of mixtures, C = Q/mΔT
- Numerical Problems on specific heat capacity using heat loss and gain and the method of mixtures
- Latent heat; loss and gain of heat involving change of state for fusion only
- Heating curve for water, Simple numerical problems
- 6. Modern Physics
Topics:- Radioactivity and changes in the nucleus; background radiation and safety precautions
- nuclear structure, atomic number (Z), mass number (A)
- α and β decay with equations showing changes in Z and A.
- Uses of radioactivity – radioisotopes. Harmful effects. Safety precautions. Background radiation
- Nuclear fission and fusion; basic introduction and equations